Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mesothelioma Causes

What are mesothelioma causes?

Primarily, exposure to Asbestos dust is a major cause.

Here's how.

Asbestos was highly valued because of its ability

to withstand extreme temperatures including fire,

durability, tensile strength and chemical stability.


These properties made it a preferred choice in the

construction or production of many items:

roofing sheets, floor and wall tiles, water pipes,

railroad construction, ships and automobiles,

textiles, insulation, kitchen appliances,

outdoor furniture, and much more.

During the manufacturing process of these items,

tiny asbestos particles float in the air

and could be inhaled or swallowed.

And they could hang on air for hours.

When inhaled, the tiny asbestos fibers can be

absorbed into the lungs, or other organs, or into

soft tissues like the mesothelium.

Mesothelium is a membrane that lines the internal organs

and cavities of the body.

When asbestos products break up, like we see broken

water pipes, or tubs, dismantled roofs or tables,

the asbestos content of these and many such products

become loose or friable. And get into the air.

People, who are unaware of the dangers breathe in these

fine particles that just lodge in their system.

Ignorance is no bliss.

And it is one of the mesothelioma causes.

People who lived in asbestos-roofed houses

and wish to go for a better roofing, just get ordinary

roofers to dismantle the roof.

These guys, without any protection whatsoever,

do the job, inhaling the fine dust.


As in many other things, they don’t drop dead right away.

They are vibrant young men.

And would remain so for many years.

But the fine fibers have dug in...


Workers in the manufacturing plants of these asbestos-base

products inhale the dust freely and carry home much

of it to unknowingly inflict their loved ones with.

They become mesothelioma distributors without knowing.  

Asbestos Fibers And The Cells

These fibers inside the body can make the otherwise

normal cells to become malignant (dividing uncontrollably

and out of order) and move (metastasize) to affect other areas.

This could lead to lung cancer, or any of the three

main types of Mesothelioma (depending on the

mesothelium area they attacked: Pleural Mesothelioma,

(grows around the lungs and chest area)

Peritoneal Mesothelioma (around the abdominal area)

or Pericardial Mesothelioma (around the heart).


Long-Term Incubation

The effect of these asbestos fibers don't get noticed

till twenty to thirty years after exposure.

By this time, the victims would have long left the

place of encounter and probably forgotten all about it.

If he is sixty-five years now and worked briefly

in an asbestos sheets factory thirty years ago

in a far off nation, he'd have clean forgotten

about it and wouldn't link that part of his life

to his current challenges.

A doctor calls for the victim's history

and depth of exposure to asbestos and asbestos

products when mesothelioma is seen in the system.

Generally, the life expectancy of a mesothelioma

patient is eighteen months.


Government Intervention

These mesothelioma causes are being gradually

eliminated as governments are rising up with

ban on asbestos and asbestos products.

Workers in authorized asbestos factories wear

protective gadgets, and shower before leaving

the factories.

Should the workers be hit, the compensation by these

companies through litigation processes is huge.

Mesothelioma Is High Risk

Mesothelioma is high risk but just like every other

such fatal disease, some people have fought it to a halt.

And they are living healthy after many years of diagnosis.

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