Monday, April 18, 2011

Diffuse Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma is a

mesothelioma of the lungs that has spread wide.

In most cases, the victims were exposed to and
inhaled fine asbestos dust. These fine asbestos dust
particles got into the pleura (thin lining of the lungs)
and started to incubate.

This is the most common type of mesothelioma
with about 3000 cases diagnosed yearly.
Victims are often between 50 and 70 years of age.
Often, just one lung is attacked.

Common Places To Find Asbestos Dust

Exposure to asbestos dust occurs in job areas like
railroads, asbestos manufacturing plants, and other
plants where asbestos is part component of the finished
product. You could see the use of asbestos in water pipes,
roofing sheets, wall and floor tiles, tubs and a lot more.
Even washing the clothes of a worker in an asbestos-component
plant exposes the otherwise innocent helper to the fine dust,
and possible mesothelioma.

Current Increase In Annual Incidence

There's an increase in the annual incidence of diffuse malignant
pleural mesothelioma.
This could be because the incubation period of 30-50 years
has come for many.
Recall that a lot of asbestos was used to quickly
erect structures to cater for the housing and school blocks
demand of the baby boomers.
A lot more people were exposed through this both as
manufacturers and as end-users.
Now they are of age.

Slow And Difficult Diagnosis

Early detection or diagnosis is difficult. This is because symptoms
don’t appear close to exposure period.
By the time it does appear, many years after, the victim might
have changed several jobs and locations, or even retired.
Symptoms like chest pain, swollen face, neck and arms, collection
of fluid in the thoracic cavity, loss of appetite and unexplained
weight loss show up. But by the time they are seen,
the diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma has reached an
advanced stage.

Mesothelioma Survivors

While mesothelioma is fatal, there are survivors who are
living witnesses that you too can live and live well and healthy.
There are specialist doctors and mesothelioma lawyers
that would help with diagnosis and compensation recovery.
These will help.

You can rewrite the prognosis, yourself...

Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPM) starts off in the peritoneum of a patient or victim.

The peritoneum is the thin lining surrounding the abdomen.
It has also been found that most victims of this peritoneal mesothelioma
had at one time or another been exposed to asbestos and asbestos fibers.
It is a very aggressive tumor.
When the peritoneal cancer spreads, it is called diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma.

Asbestos In The Factory

The victim who probably worked in a factory or manufacturing plant
where asbestos was used for production inhaled the asbestos fibers.
Now, remember that these fibers are very fine and easily 'mix'
with the air. They can hang on air for several hours.
This even exposes a mere visitor to the plant to the
mesothelioma dangers.

Once inhaled, the asbestos fiber slices through the abdominal
lining, that is, the peritoneum, and lodges there to start incubating.
The cancerous growth then starts in this lining.

Long Incubation Period

The incubation period can be as long as thirty years,
sometimes even fifty.
While incubating, the victim feels no symptoms at all.
Unfortunately, by the time symptoms appear and the
victim notices enough to seek advice or medical attention,
the peritoneal mesothelioma must have progressed much.
And even spread throughout the body.

Peritoneal Mesothelium Or Heart Burn?

The peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms when noticed
are often mistaken for minor health issues like heart burn
or even indigestion.
While this minor is being treated, the cancerous cells
keep gaining grounds.

Go Get Tested

It is advised that if you have been exposed to asbestos fibers in the past,
directly or indirectly, go test for

-peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer of the abdominal lining)
-pleural mesothelioma (cancer of the lining around the lungs)
-pericardial mesothelioma (cancer of the heart lining)

The earlier the detection, the more treatable the mesothelioma.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mesothelioma Cure Guide Books

You are welcome to Mesothelioma Cure Guide Books!
It is also known as Survive Mesothelioma Books!
It is a thrill to know that your answer is in the
What you are going through has been experienced
by others. Some sure fell along the way.
But others not only survived but are living very well.
Enjoying life.

They heard the heart-wrenching diagnosis...
They REFUSED to take the prognosis.
They searched books. Sought God.
Obtained their answers and are living by choice today.

Join this group. They are a good example to follow.
Do what they did. Buy and Read the books.
Call on the Master of the Universe that Made you.
He being your Manufacturer can fix you back and up again.

Welcome to the Survive Mesothelioma Books!
Welcome to the Mesothelioma Cure Guide Books!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mistaken Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma symptoms are often mistaken for
milder health issues. The symptoms occur according
to whether the malignant cells are found in the peritoneum
(around the abdomen), pleural (around the lungs),
or the pericardial (around the heart).

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

-Abdominal pain
-Nausea and vomiting
-Loss of appetite
-Breathing difficulty
-Distended abdomen
-Ascites (this simply means, fluid in the abdomen)
-Night sweats or Fever
-Swollen feet
-Unexplained weight loss
-Increased abdominal girth
-Problems with otherwise normal digestion process
The liver produces chemicals needed to control
If liver is affected, as in, if the mesothelioma cancer
cells have advanced to the liver area, anemia and blood clotting
problems start. This further makes it harder for the lungs
and heart to get oxygen and send to the parts of  the body.
Advanced Stage
When in an advanced stage, the following symptoms occur
in peritoneal mesothelioma

-Bowel obstruction
-Blood clotting
-Increased platelet count
-Low albumin levels
-Trouble swallowing
-Swelling of the neck and face

For months before confirmed diagnosis some victims
experience non-specific symptoms.
Some in this class actually go to seek treatment for
pelvic mass, gallbladder or hernia.

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common
of the three. The symptoms include:

 -Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
-Persistent pain which could be mild or sharp
and felt around the chest, arm, lower back,
abdomen, or shoulder.
-Fluid buildup in the pleura causes undue pressure
on the lungs and chest resulting in pains.
While lying down, breathing is more difficult
because of this fluid, making it difficult for patients
to sleep.
-Painful breathing

-Dry cough
-Coughing up blood
-Trouble swallowing
-Night sweats
-Weight loss
-Swelling of the face and arms
-Muscle weakness
-Sensory loss
-Appearance of lumps under the skin on the chest area

Pericardial Mesothelium Symptoms

Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms are similar
to those of the pleural mesothelioma.
Fluid accumulates around the heart exerting
pressure on the heart and sorounding organs,
especially the lungs.

-Chest pain
-Shortness of breath
-Extreme fatigue too soon after a slight activity 
-Low blood pressure
-Heart palpitations or irregular heart beat
-Fluid retention (in the legs)
These pericardial mesothelioma symptoms
often do not appear until the disease
has really advanced.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mesothelioma Causes

What are mesothelioma causes?

Primarily, exposure to Asbestos dust is a major cause.

Here's how.

Asbestos was highly valued because of its ability

to withstand extreme temperatures including fire,

durability, tensile strength and chemical stability.


These properties made it a preferred choice in the

construction or production of many items:

roofing sheets, floor and wall tiles, water pipes,

railroad construction, ships and automobiles,

textiles, insulation, kitchen appliances,

outdoor furniture, and much more.

During the manufacturing process of these items,

tiny asbestos particles float in the air

and could be inhaled or swallowed.

And they could hang on air for hours.

When inhaled, the tiny asbestos fibers can be

absorbed into the lungs, or other organs, or into

soft tissues like the mesothelium.

Mesothelium is a membrane that lines the internal organs

and cavities of the body.

When asbestos products break up, like we see broken

water pipes, or tubs, dismantled roofs or tables,

the asbestos content of these and many such products

become loose or friable. And get into the air.

People, who are unaware of the dangers breathe in these

fine particles that just lodge in their system.

Ignorance is no bliss.

And it is one of the mesothelioma causes.

People who lived in asbestos-roofed houses

and wish to go for a better roofing, just get ordinary

roofers to dismantle the roof.

These guys, without any protection whatsoever,

do the job, inhaling the fine dust.


As in many other things, they don’t drop dead right away.

They are vibrant young men.

And would remain so for many years.

But the fine fibers have dug in...


Workers in the manufacturing plants of these asbestos-base

products inhale the dust freely and carry home much

of it to unknowingly inflict their loved ones with.

They become mesothelioma distributors without knowing.  

Asbestos Fibers And The Cells

These fibers inside the body can make the otherwise

normal cells to become malignant (dividing uncontrollably

and out of order) and move (metastasize) to affect other areas.

This could lead to lung cancer, or any of the three

main types of Mesothelioma (depending on the

mesothelium area they attacked: Pleural Mesothelioma,

(grows around the lungs and chest area)

Peritoneal Mesothelioma (around the abdominal area)

or Pericardial Mesothelioma (around the heart).


Long-Term Incubation

The effect of these asbestos fibers don't get noticed

till twenty to thirty years after exposure.

By this time, the victims would have long left the

place of encounter and probably forgotten all about it.

If he is sixty-five years now and worked briefly

in an asbestos sheets factory thirty years ago

in a far off nation, he'd have clean forgotten

about it and wouldn't link that part of his life

to his current challenges.

A doctor calls for the victim's history

and depth of exposure to asbestos and asbestos

products when mesothelioma is seen in the system.

Generally, the life expectancy of a mesothelioma

patient is eighteen months.


Government Intervention

These mesothelioma causes are being gradually

eliminated as governments are rising up with

ban on asbestos and asbestos products.

Workers in authorized asbestos factories wear

protective gadgets, and shower before leaving

the factories.

Should the workers be hit, the compensation by these

companies through litigation processes is huge.

Mesothelioma Is High Risk

Mesothelioma is high risk but just like every other

such fatal disease, some people have fought it to a halt.

And they are living healthy after many years of diagnosis.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma sounds heavy and

this page on What is Mesothelioma, answers

the question in understandable terms.

Mesothelioma is, simply put,
Cancer of the Mesothelium.

The Mesothelium is actually a membrane that

both covers and protects the internal organs of the body.

It has two layers, one covering the organs,

the other, which is outer, envelops both the organs

and the first layer.


Between the two membrane layers, the mesothelium

produces a lubricating fluid that aids the moving

organs like the heart and the lungs to glide smoothly

against nearby structures.

Different Names For Different Mesothelium

Depending on where the mesothelium is found,

there different names for them:

-Peritoneum covers the abdominal area

-Pleura  covers the lungs and chest area

-Pericardium covers the heart

-Tunica vaginalis testis covers the male internal reproductive organs

-Tunica serosa uteri covers the female internal reproductive organs.

Now what is mesothelioma?

It is a disease condition in which cells of the mesothelium

become abnormal and divide at a very fast rate, without

control and without order.

The cells actually misbehave uncontrollably.

They can spread or metastasize to other parts of the body.


The most common mesothelioma cases start in the peritoneum.

This is called peritoneal mesothelioma.

Another common mesothelioma is that which starts around

the lungs. This is called pleural mesothelioma.

The less common one is pericardial mesothelioma.


Your next question now may just be..

What are  Mesothelioma causes?

What causes the misbehavior of the mesothelium cells?

Put simply, and this stands for most cases,

it is caused by exposure to and

 inhaling of Asbestos dust.


The Online Self Improvement and Self Help Encyclopedia

Mesothelioma Cure Guide For You!

Mesothelioma cancer cure is possible using the
mesothelioma cure guide made available to you here.

I am talking about actual mesothelioma survival.

Sure, many have died as a result of this cancer.

But just like every other health issue, there

are living witnesses that you can stand and fight

your way back to sound health.

Using the right approach, that is.

That's where this cure guide comes in handy

People survive just about anything and

people also die from just about anything,

from slight headaches, to a sore throat, to cancer.

From even mild home accidents to being hit by a trailer

or bullet.

It is not the diagnosis. It is You. It is your response.

It is your next step and actions.

Whether it is pleural mesothelioma (found around

the lungs and chest area), or

peritoneal mesothelioma (found at the abdominal area)

or pericardial mesothelioma (found around the heart), there's always an answer.


There are vast possibilities for you to live

healthy and perform optimally.

Those possibilities would be made

available to you here.

The news of the diagnosis alone

has claimed the lives of many.

Not necessarily the mesothelioma cancer.

My Aunty Fought Lung Cancer

When a specialist announced that my aunty's

Lung cancer case was hopeless and she should

be taken home to quietly die, she fought back.

She left the hospital in a few days.

She is back on her feet. She refused to die

having rejected the doctor's verdict.

Now, that's what this site is about.

A simple guide that provides

resources to show that the cure is possible.

You or your loved one could use the resources

to extend your life to as long as you desire.


You'll also find info on asbestos, the major cause of mesothelioma,

mesothelioma causes, symptoms, risks, advice,

treatment options, effects, even where necessary, litigation options,

what next to do, how to cope as a family, how to avoid further occurrence,

and much more...


Feel free to go through the pages on this site because

you'll find very useful and helpful information.

And it is all free.


Please, leave your testimonies, questions or comments below.

Again, you are welcome to my site,

as we explore this mesothelioma cure guide together.